Learning Objectives
Individual, small group, and large group activities centered around Bible-based thoughts and concepts are presented to help the child explore their interests and foster physical, intellectual, social, spiritual, and emotional development. Creation Corner uses a Bible-based curriculum (WEE Learn, LifeWay Publishing), and teachers plan developmentally appropriate activities within each developmental domain.
Activity Learning
Preschoolers learn through their senses, repetition, play, work, relationships, and imitation. At Creation Corner, teachers tap into the natural abilities of the children by teaching through activity centers. Boys and girls are given opportunities to learn math, problem solving, and language skills through group time, pictures, songs, books, blocks, dramatic play experiences, nature materials, art experiences, and manipulatives.
Student / Teacher Ratios
To provide the best learning environment, Creation Corner meets or exceeds the Illinois' state guidelines. Maximum enrollment is determined by the size of the classroom and varies by the age of the children. Class sizes are as follows (state guidelines in parenthesis):
• All 2 year-old classes are limited to 10 children with 2 teachers (5:1).
• All 3 year-old classes are limited to 14 children with 2 teachers (7:1).
• All 4-5 year-old classes are limited to 16 children with two teachers (8:1).
In addition to in-room experiences, children will engage in special classes that are structured to support each month's curriculum focus. Creation Corner includes music classes that focus on group participation, movement, and rhythm. Children will also learn through our hands-on Science and Discovery classes.
Outdoor Play
Outdoor play is an important part of our curriculum. Parents are expected to provide the appropriate clothing for weather conditions to ensure the child's comfort and protection. In inclement weather children play indoors in designated gym areas.
All gym areas contain age-appropriate large motor equipment.
Assessment Reports
Student progress reports will be completed and sent home in early spring. Assessment will be based on the identified benchmark learning goals listed in the parent handbook. Parents may discuss their child's progress at any point. Teachers will be available for conferences, by request, in the fall and spring.
Parents receive a monthly newsletter regarding special activities and upcoming events. Parents will also receive an information packet in late summer providing information for the coming year, as well as tuition payment options.