Calendar & Daily Schedule
2023 - 2024 Calendar
August 15, 2023
Meet Your Teachers and Classmates
August 16, 2023
First Day of School (3-Day Classes)
August 17, 2023
First Day of School (2-Day Classes)
May 16, 2024
Last Day of School
November 20 - 24, 2023
Thanksgiving/Fall Break
December 18, 2023 - January 2, 2024
Christmas/Winter Break
January 3, 2024
School Resumes
March 25 - 29, 2024
Easter/Spring Break
Staff is ready to receive and greet children at 9:25am. Limited verbal or written communication with teachers can be completed at this time. Children are encouraged to build responsibility by following a routine of caring for their own supplies (coat, lunch, and school bag).
Fine-Motor Activities
Children are encouraged to work independently or in small groups with manipulatives such as puzzles, pegboards, sorters, coloring, and sensory tables. Fine motor activities work on skills in ways that strengthen fingers, works on hand eye coordination and helps with their precision.
Learning Centers
Children are encouraged to move from center to center, interacting freely with various environments planned to support the day's teaching aim. Learning centers can include, but are not limited to: dramatic play, science or nature, art, blocks, book centers, and writing. Teachers utilize intentional language within center experiences to promote learning objectives.
Large-Motor Activities
Children are provided opportunities to develop large-muscle skills through running, climbing, sliding, and exploring outdoor play equipment when weather permits. In the case of inclement weather, children utilize large muscle equipment within our designated large motor rooms or indoor playground.
Group Time
Teachers use this time to present a Bible story and reinforce the theme-based curriculum. Group time may include drama, rhymes, finger plays, games, and songs.
Creative Art
Activities are carefully planned to promote individual creative expression while focusing on small motor development. Art activities will be open-ended and child-centered, focusing on the process rather than the product.
As children sit for snack time, teachers encourage peer and adult interaction to develop social and language skills in a relaxed environment.
Children experience music as a regular part of the classroom and in specifically planned music classes which meet once a week. Children develop large and small muscle coordination and rhythm by singing, playing instruments, and through movement. Music classes are taught by teachers outside of the the normal classroom staff.
Children in the three-day program participate in a language development class designed to build pre-reading skills, enhance the child's interest in literature, and provide an activity related connection to that day's lesson.
Self-help Skills
Children are encouraged to try things on their own and to develop responsibility for their own supplies and actions. Children assist in clean-up and organizing classroom materials to foster cooperation.
Special Plans
Off-site field trips are not a part of the Creation Corner curriculum. The children do experience "on-site" field trips each year such as Fall Fun Day (pumpkin picking), Fire Truck Day, La Posada, etc. These events vary from year to year.